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Monitoring Marine Life from Space

C. Rodríguez-Benito ;Maria del Mar Lleo; C.Haag. Satellite-based Early Warning Systems to Predict and Alert on the Risk of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks. Selper Journal (especial edition on remote sensing applications to health. Edition 1-2006. The use of satellite data, primarily from instruments aboard ESA’s Envisat, together with in situ sea…

Study of monthly and seasonal faecal contamination of P.Montt

H. Toledo, C. Hernández, C. Rodríguez-Benito, V. Bittner, L. Ferreira and F. Orellana (2005) Study of monthly and seasonal faecal contamination in the coastal area adjacent to the submarine wastewater diffuser in the bay of Puerto Montt. R The coastal area of the interior sea of the Tenth Region, including…

Perspectives to monitor environmental risks from the ocean

C. Rodríguez-Benito; C. Haag; M. Fea (2004) First application of ENVISAT data in the South of Chile. Perspectives to monitor environmental risks from the ocean from remote sensing. Proceedings XI Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepción remota y SIG. 22-26 de Nov 2004. DESCARGAR ARTÍCULO Para mayor información: Visita nuestras redes…

Monitoring algal blooms and other coastal ocean features

C. Rodríguez-Benito y C. Haag: “ (2004) Applications of ENVISAT data in the South of Chile. Monitoring algal blooms and other coastal ocean features using MERIS and AATSR imagery. Revista Gayana, 68 (2): 508-513 Phytoplankton blooms have been monitored from April 2003 to August 2004, between latitudes 41°S and 45°S,…

Sea surface anomaly observed from satellites

Anormalidades en la superficie del mar son detectados por satélites como el AATSR/ENVISAT (en inglés)

New technology to monitor phytoplankton blooms

Descubre la tecnología que Mariscope está aplicando en el sur de Chile para controlar el florecimiento de fitoplancton (en ingles)

Application of remote sensing of ocean colour to forecast HAB events

Rodríguez-Benito and J. Arancibia (2002) Application of remote sensing of ocean colour to forecast harmful algal blooms events in Chile. HAB newsletter on toxic algae and algal blooms, Nº23. September 2002. A very intense event of HAB was detected at the beginning of the australsummer of 2002 in the south…